Two happy mothers on sofa with their child

Pasco County, Florida LBGTQ Family Lawyer

Divorce is always complicated, no matter who you are. Though gay marriage and divorce weren’t always legal in Florida, fortunately, now, couples of all sexual orientations have a right to both marry and get divorced. If you need an LGBTQ family lawyer you can depend on to guide you through the process, you’re in the right place. Contact Wendy Doyle-Palumbo today for help.

LGBTQ Family Lawyer | Serving Individuals & Families in Florida

In Florida, same-sex marriage has been legally recognized since January 6, 2015. Prior to this, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender couples who had legally married outside of Florida were unable to obtain a divorce in Florida. This left many same-sex couples who were married, unable to seek a divorce or relief under the Florida Statutes which govern divorce laws. These laws include the division of marital assets or equitable distribution, alimony laws, and child custody laws.

It’s important to understand, however, that since the Supreme Court made gay marriage and divorce legal, there have been challenges in the courts for same-sex divorcing couples. It takes an experienced, tenacious Pasco County, Florida divorce lawyer to settle, challenge, and litigate while adhering to Florida Statutes because there are still many untrodden areas of same-sex divorce that have yet to be “standardized.” Things to consider when you are hiring a Tampa, St. Petersburg, or Pasco County LGBTQ family lawyer are:

  • Ability to handle challenges such as retroactivity for equitable distribution, alimony
  • Challenges with same-sex child custody rulings
  • Experience in Florida Divorce Law and Statutes

Paving the Way for Same-Sex Divorce in Florida

In August of 2014, a Florida Circuit Judge ruled that the denial of marriage rights to same-sex couples and refusal to recognize same-sex marriages from other jurisdictions was unconstitutional, and after three months of hearings, the Judge issues a Final Dissolution of Marriage in December of 2014, which became the first same-sex divorce granted in the State of Florida. On June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court made gay marriage legal in all 50 states.

Contact Wendy Doyle-Palumbo: LGBTQ Family Lawyer

Attorney Wendy Doyle-Palumbo has decades of experience practicing family law in Tampa Bay, Florida. Tampa Bay has a thriving gay community that needs an experienced Hudson divorce lawyer to ensure that their rights are protected under our Florida divorce statutes. Unfortunately, for many years, I have known far too many couples who were forced to remain married, and now, if you meet Florida’s residency requirements, you don’t have to. As long as either you or your spouse has resided in Florida for at least six months prior to the filing of the divorce petition, as per Florida statute 61.021, you should qualify for a divorce. Our firm can help. Contact us today.

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