This week, the wife of a former Florida mayor is in court as she is accused of beating his new girlfriend and her former friend to death with a hammer. Dan Trott is the former mayor of Indialantic, Florida.
48-year-old Sheila Graham-Trott was taken into custody in February 2010 for first-degree murder of her friend Kelly Brennan, who betrayed her by dating her husband, former Indialantic Mayor Dan Trott, when the two were separated. Graham-Trott’s mother turned her to the police 4 years ago when her daughter led family to Brennan’s body.
But the defense is expecting to win the case by proving that Graham-Trott was not the only individual who had an interest in killing Brennan. They discussed that Brennan’s husband, Gino Rallo, was heartbroken at their own impending divorce, enough to kill. Graham-Trott also has a surveillance footage which shows her at a Walgreen’s at the time of Brennan’s brutal murder.
Graham-Trott’s sons Creighton and Graham took the stand to testify on Tuesday about the day their mother led them to Brennan’s body in a wooded area.
Brennan was said missing when she wasn’t found at the gym, where she said she would meet her boyfriend Trott.
Creighton talked about coming home one evening with his brother Graham taking tension that their mother was having a seizure. So they took her to the hospital and after sometime, she woke up saying that she had a dream Brennan had been hurt.
They drove with their mother to a wooded area known as Mark’s Landing where they found Brennan’s butchered body.
‘Graham called us over and he’s like, “I think I see something”. So we walked over and saw a body…just a shadow of a body that was in some sort of spandex work-out uniform’.
The 2 sons did not turn their mother in, but told her you are going to have to deal with this yourself. We’re out of this, they said when they returned home.
Graham-Trott’s mother called police to report the murder.
The Trott sons’ testimonies followed that of Gino Rallo on Monday, as the defense tried to prove he was angry after hearing of his wife’s affair, and would have killed her so she wouldn’t be with another man. They also said that a huge life insurance pay out could have been the purpose of killing. Her defense expected to change the direction of the case by suspecting Brennan’s husband could have played a role in her murder.
Rallo and Brennan were also going through a divorce when she began seeing Trott, and allegedly the 2 got into a physical fight when she told her husband that she was leaving the house.
The defense asked, ‘You started slamming her against the wall and putting your hands around her neck. Isn’t that true Mr. Rallo?’
Rallo said that they ‘wrestled in the garage’ as they were having a discussion about her moving out.
Rallo did accept to being torn up at the break up with his wife of 7 years, and said he never reconciled himself with their separation.
A defense attorney asked Rallo, ‘Mr. Rallo, you loved your wife?’
He said, ‘Very much’.
The lawyer asked, ‘Even after you found out she’d been cheating on you behind your back for several months?’
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‘Yes,’ Rallo replied.
‘You still wanted to be with her?’ the attorney asked again.
‘Yes,’ he responded.
He said he did not kill his wife for $250,000 insurance money, when asked by the prosecution.
Graham-Trott has pleaded not guilty of Brennan’s murder. 20 years back, she was married to Trott.
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